Hachnasat Sefer Torah
Westchester Day School invites you to our Hachnasat Sefer Torah & Fall Festival
At our annual Fall Festival on September 29th, a few days before Rosh Hashanah 5785, we will host a Hachnasat Sefer Torah. Together, we will officially mark the homecoming and dedication of two Sifrei Torah and prepare to enter the New Year in the spirit of this distinctive mitzvah, as one kehilah (community).
The first Torah will be dedicated in conjunction with World Mizrachi’s Simchat Torah Project; a global project in which Jewish communities worldwide are dedicating Sifrei Torah in memory of the victims who were murdered on October 7th and in the ensuing war. WDS is proud to be among the groups participating in this initiative. We will be dedicating one of our Sifrei Torah in memory of the 1200 souls and the many soldiers and hostages who have since died al kiddush Hashem. The me’il (cover) of this Torah will include the name of Yitzhar Hoffman (z’l), who fell in battle heroically in Gaza. Yitzhar (z’l) was the uncle of Rotem Talman, who was one of our Bnot Sherut last year, and also a close friend of our teacher Moreh Adiel Biton.
The second Torah will be dedicated in honor of our Westchester Day School community.
Read more about Rabbi Rockoff's community message here and watch some of the action here
Sponsorship & Dedication Opportunities
With any donation of $100 or more: your family name will be included in a Giving Wall to be created in commemoration of this milestone and installed in our Castle Shul.
- $100 - אות (Letter)
- $180 - פסוק (Pasuk)
- $360 - עמוּד (Column)
- $540 - פרשה (Parsha)
- $720 - עליה (Aliyah)
- $1,000 - ספר (Sefer)
- $1,800 - עצי חיים (Atzei Chaim - wooden handles)
- $2,500 - בנדל (Bendel/Belt )
**This donation includes your family name to be embroidered on our Torah Bendel - $3,600 - מעיל (Me’il -Torah cover)
**This donation includes your family name to be embroidered on our WDS Community Torah Me'il - $5,000 - אוהבי התורה (Lovers of Torah)
Sponsor our Hachnasat Sefer Torah, including the sofer and musicians who will enhance our singing, dancing, and learning.
**This donation includes your family name to be embroidered on our WDS Community Torah Me'il - $15,000 - ספר תורה (Sefer Torah)
Dedicate 1 of 2 Repaired Sifrei Torahs for WDS (2 available).
**This donation includes your family name to be embroidered on our WDS Community Torah Me'il
Thank you for joining in celebration of this momentous occasion. Your generous support is appreciated. Every gift is meaningful and contributes to a beautiful legacy for the Westchester Day School community.
If you require any additional information or would like to discuss the above giving opportunities further, please reach out to Rachel Fischer, Director of Development at 914-698-8900 x134 or rfischer@westchesterday.org