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Student Life

At Westchester Day School, education is not confined to the four walls of a classroom. We believe in fostering an enriching and dynamic learning experience that extends well beyond traditional academic settings. Here's how we make learning come alive:

Inclusive Learning Environment: Our halls and classrooms provide a nurturing and child-centered space, encouraging every student to explore and pursue knowledge. We focus on collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills to prepare students for a future of continuous growth.

Beyond Classroom Walls: Education at Westchester Day School isn't limited to textbooks and lectures. From middle school class trips to Boston and Washington, D.C., to co-curricular activities after school, every moment contributes to a well-rounded education. Our informal education during school hours seamlessly integrates with the General and Judaic curricula.

Extracurriculars: Integral to our traditional day school education are class trips, extracurricular activities, and special programs throughout the academic year. Assemblies, performances, Shabbat parties, and holiday celebrations infuse daily learning with energy and enthusiasm.

Exciting Events: Join us in celebrating a myriad of events, including the Israeli Day Parade, Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration, 5th Grade Heritage Fair, Chag HaSiddur, Chag HaTorah, Maccabiah Color War, Student Council, Kabbalat Shabbat, Book Fair, and the PTA Fall Festival - to name a few. These occasions enhance each child's WDS experience, making learning a truly vibrant and memorable journey.

Whether singing, cooking, tinkering, or playing ball, Westchester Day School students grow not only academically but also as individuals and as proud members of the Jewish community.